403bWise Launches Site Re-Design and Expansion

Top 403(b) education, advocacy and news site 403bWise.com has launched a re-design and an expansion.
Since 2000, 403bWise.com has provided unbiased information on 403(b) plans to our nation's educators. In addition, the site has helped advocate for better 403(b) plans. 403bWise is the best known 403(b) site on the internet (much to the consternation of the insurance industry) and today it just got better, with promises of additional improvements in the future.
While bWise has traditionally been for public school employees and their 403(b), many other professions who have 403(b) plans have visited the site to gather information. Now, those other industries will have their own sections and more specialized and targeted information, news and blog posts. The new additions are Higher Education and HealthCare.
There will also be a future section where visitors can be hooked up with a competent financial advisor.
Dan Otter runs owns and operates 403bWise.com and has since the beginning, it was his vision that has helped thousands of public school employees over the last 15 years. Dan wrote a post about the re-design:
Divide and Conquer: 403(b)wise Has a New Look
Welcome to our new look. One big change is that we have created separate sections for the core 403(b) markets: K-12; Higher Ed; and Healthcare. The goal is to better serve our diverse audience by providing more targeted information. In addition to this specific participant and employer information, we will feature stories written by and for those who work in that particular 403(b) market. For example, in the K-12 section, we have a story written by Pennsylvania high school teacher Terry Newman who got wise to the 403(b) after being sold a high-fee variable annuity product. In the Higher Ed section, professor and CFP® Inga Chira offers savings advice for higher ed participants. In the coming weeks we will add market-specific discussion boards and an Advice section that will help participants find suitable planning help. The other big change is that the site features responsive design. This means that it will automatically resize for the device it is being viewed on. I want to thank several people for making this rather larger undertaking possible. It was planner, good friend, and fellow host of the Teach and Retire Rich podcast, Scott Dauenhauer, CFP® who suggested we create separate 403(b) sections. I want to thank my wife and talented designer Amanda for executing these rather large changes. For the past two weeks we got a taste of what it must feel like to work for a start up. And we don’t even have a ping pong table or catered meals. We did have access to some pretty good Albuquerque craft brews, though. As always I want to thank our nationwide network of participants, advocates, and confidantes. You are what makes 403(b)wise go.
— Dan
Great job Dan and thanks for the shoutout.
Go visit www.403bwise.com, you won't regret it!
Scott Dauenhauer, CFP, MPAS, AIF