Simon's "Fleecing" Series Spotlight
Back in 2007 a colleague of mine, W. Scott Simon wrote a seven part series for Morningstar called "Fleecing 403(b) Plan Participants."
Many things have changed in the 403(b) world and while I don't agree with everything Simon says - the articles are certainly worth reading and having in your library.
Some of the articles refer to ERISA plans, my main focus is non-ERISA.
Here are the seven parts:
Update: Morningstar has instituted a "registration" process now to view the articles, there is no cost, but you will have to register to get access, I've let them know this is a bad idea and hopefully they will change...until then...
Fleecing 403(b) Plan Participants Part I
Fleecing 403(b) Plan Participants Part II
Fleecing 403(b) Plan Participants Part III
Fleecing 403(b) Plan Participants Part IV
Fleecing 403(b) Plan Participants Part V
Fleecing 403(b) Plan Participants Part VI
Fleecing 403(b) Plan Participants Part VII
Scott Dauenhauer CFP, MSFP, AIF
Meridian Wealth Management