Sitemap - 2016 - The Teacher's Advocate
NTSA Supports Extension of Fiduciary Standard to Governmental 403(b) Plans
Non-Profit Universites Sued Over 403(b) Programs
Shark Week: Remembering AFT's "Shark Attack" 403(b) Screed
Bob Toth: 403(b) and the Fiduciary Rule
Last Week Tonight Promotes Fiduciary
Annuity Chart They Don't Want You To See
10 Organizations That Don't Give A Sh*t About You
Video: The Busy Teacher's Guide To Doubling Their 403(b)'s Earning Potential
Sad: Equity Indexed Annuities Continue Setting Sales Records
Maui, Cabo or Sicily...Choose Your Annuity Incentive!
Teachers: Stop Replying To These Postcards
Dan Otter, 403bwise and What's Next for Educators and Advisors
Dan Otter Webcast on Finance For Teachers Network
NEA Still Not Practicing What It Preaches
TRR Podcast #26: How @NTSA403B + @NEAToday make saving in #403b hard
NEA Making Big Bucks From Members By Selling Expensive Annuities
It's Time For The SEC To Regulate Indexed Annuities
403bWise Launches Site Re-Design and Expansion
NTSA Continues Shameful Campaign Against California Public Employees
American Retirement Association Opposed CA Auto-Enroll For Public Employees
Teachers Now In Insurance Agents Crosshairs After DOL Rule
Debunked ASPPA Study Used To Push Industry Agenda in Michigan
Feeling The 403(b) Fee Bern: High Fees Strike Sanders Wife
Kiplinger 403bWise Mention: No company 401(k)? No problem
Wait, That's Legal?: The Annual American Fidelity Dance Ripoff
5 Top IRS Concerns for Higher Ed 403(b) Compliance
Number of Higher Education 403(b) Plans Drop
Money Mag: A College Administrator Reveals How Her Diligent Saving Has Paid Off
How Is This Still A Thing? Annuity Ads
TIAA-CREF Becomes TIAA, But Not "tee-ah"
Isola: Why Can’t 3.6 Million Teachers Get a Group Discount on their 403(b) Plans?
Inga Chira on CSU Transistion to Single Vendor - Fidelity
It's a F**k n' Great Life at F & G Life - Puerto Rico!
Wild West: Providing Fiduciary Advice To Public School Employees | Now Available